Monday, April 11, 2011

spanish films that have changed my life (exaggeration)

seriously, people, you really need to watch these movies. they are seriously the BEST movies in the world. and i can guarantee you will be blown away. i never recommend bad movies.

i have no other motive for you to watch these films other than the fact that i want you to share in the amazingness of them. i want for us to talk about them and enjoy them together! i want to share the goodness with you.

so please believe me and watch these. i really believe spanish language films are the best in the world.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Because sin is not merely doing bad things but an even deeper problem of building our identity on someone or something other than God alone, the solution to idolatry is not to change our behavior but to have a complete reorientation of our nature at the deepest level of our being, or what Jesus called being born again.

regeneration: the deep work in the heart, our total inner self, so that a new life flows from a new heart empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Practically, this means that as we enjoy and delight in who God is, what he has done, and what he will do for us, our regenerated hearts share in the same desires of God. Subsequently, unlike religion, which is based on fear that forces people to do what they do not want to do, regeneration is based on love and God inviting new people to live new lives of worship, which is exactly what their new hearts want to do at the deepest level. The result is ever-growing, never-ending, ever-worshiping, passionate joy!